Tag Archives: consumer influence

Consumer Advocate: That’s Me and You

I was royally ticked off today by the customer service at Hallmark Cards. I believe in the power of the collective consumer voice, so when later today I discovered that Johnsonville, the sausage people with the irritating commercials, sell products on non-recyclable meat trays, I dropped them an email as follows:

How come you don’t use recyclable trays for your meat products?

I prefer the hot Italian sausage without the skins which I brown for homemade pizza, but I’m thinking of switching to the grocery store brand, because their trays are recyclable. It’s more hassle for me, but worth it when I think that you must go through a mountain of trays every single day in your production facility.

It doesn’t make sense to me that so many trays are making the trip to the dump when there are alternatives.

Let me know…

I’ll let you know what they say.

As for Hallmark, their 1-800 number is by the phone. I’ll be giving them a call tomorrow morning, first thing.

Vote With Your Wallet

The idea of using business to influence consumers and thereby effect positive change is one I firmly believe in. It’s also a radical idea to some.

Much to the horror of some my more “granola head” friends, as I lovely refer to them, I don’t think business or marketing are inherently or wholly evil. I know from personal experience, and that of many clients, that a business can be a great vehicle and create a greater, positive impact than an individual may be able.

“We’re on the battlefield now and we need to fight with the same weaponry.
We need to not be David up against Goliath. We need to be Goliath.”

Gary Hirshberg, CEO, Stonyfield Farm
Source: Food, Inc.

food-inc_book-cover I believe we can inspire change, vote with our dollars, reform big biz, reduce carbon footprint, improve the environment, support our communities and farmers, strengthen our local economies, and eat really great food…all while we “accidentally” change the world.

In fact, that’s why I started Local Delicious. I happen to believe big ripples come from little pebbles.

Think I’m crazy? Well, the tobacco companies used to wield the same power that many current food-related industries and mega-companies do. And they were brought to their knees. Why not the food industry, too?

Food, Inc. is one of the more recent films highlighting food security issues. Now the question is, how can we start being part of the solution? It’s more than being informed, it’s about taking action. Even little actions.

Learn more about the issues and what you can do to vote with your wallet at Take Part.

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