Let the Planting Begin

While May is still a little dicey weather wise — did it come in like a lion or a lamb? — it’s not too soon to start planting some of the hearty vegetable varieties, depending on where you live in North America.

I used to think you had to wait for the really warm weather to plant (thereby living up to my self-applied Bumbling Gardener title), but it turns out some seeds appreciate a little hardship. It gets them primed to sprout when the timing is just right. Smart little things, aren’t they?

Right now we’re still pouring over last year’s Gardener’s Porn (a.k.a. seed catalogue) to ponder what our gardens will contain in the coming year. In fact, I’m fairly certain I’ve seen some actual drooling going on.

You can order your 2010 West Coast Seeds edition online now.

The seeds, when we get them, do rely on us to pop them in the earth at just the right moment. Here on the West (wet) Coast, we have the benefit of West Coast Seeds regional planting chart to guide us on what can go into the ground now, and what should wait.

Currently peas, collard, kale, broad beans, arugula, corn salad, and radishes are ready to start their journey.

And April is good for planting carrots, broccoli, beets, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsnips, spinach, Swiss chard, and turnips.

If you’re into starting things indoors, you can get going on a few of those, too. (I had dismal sprouting results last year on everything but my snow peas, so I’ll be giving it a pass.)

Let the gardening begin!