Help Sole Food Street Farms Grow

Help Sole Food GrowEnvision individuals with few resources and limited opportunities being given the chance to do meaningful work, help contribute to a community that respects them, and grow lots of healthy vegetables (we know gardening is therapeutic). What a great social enterprise, right?

Then garden so effectively in limited space in an urban environment and harvest so much food you can make it available not only to individuals at farmers markets, but also to local restaurants. Lots of them. And do it all in a financially self-sustaining manner. That’s not possible, right? Oh but it is.

Sole Food Street Farms has been wildly successful in building a repeatable model of large scale urban farming that is the envy of communities all over North America. And they want to do more. Have a bigger impact, help more people, and grow more food. For that, they need your help. TODAY.

Sole Food has a fundraising campaign on right now and there are only a few days left. Check it out and if it fits, consider contributing where you can. Think of it as putting your money where your mouth is. Literally.

I love this program for the many ways it’s contributing to a building better community: giving people a hand up not a handout, contributing to improved food security, providing access to more locally grown food, generating community collaboration, practicing beneficial urban land use, showcasing the viability of large scale urban farming, and modelling economic sustainability. It’s easy to become discouraged by the many challenges around food security and the desire to eat local, but this whole enterprise is cause for celebration. Well done!

Learn more at the Help Sole Foods Grow campaign and find out where you can buy their fresh, delicious produce.