Tag Archives: pickling

Cost-Effective Food Storage

For successful gardeners, the question of how to store one’s harvest always comes up eventually. (For the likes of the rather improbable gardener such as myself, it is somewhat less of an issue.)

Most climates aren’t blessed with a year round growing season so one must make hay while the sun shines, then save for a rainy day. In this climate, literally. That means finding ways to preserve your bounty for the winter months.

This past year I’ve noticed a huge resurgence of interest in canning, pickling and other time honoured methods of “putting up” the harvest. So it’s no surprise that folks are looking back a generation or two for additional traditional solutions, calling up distant memories of how parents and grandparents fed themselves between growing seasons.

Enter, the root cellar. Cheap to make and maintain, naturally cool, highly effective, the perfect DIY project (no electrical wiring required).

Enter, a new generation of children sent down to dark, damp, spider-infested rooms to bring up the ingredients for dinner. Not to worry, we survived the trauma, so will they.

How To Do It Yourself

Want to be all trendy and get your own root cellar, but you’re not sure where to start? Here is an assortment of resources, in no particular order (but I saved the best for last):

Learn How to Preserve Your Garden’s Bounty

Vancouver Farmers Markets has just announced a series of demos to help you store your garden’s bounty for eating later.

Through a generous grant from Vancity Enviro Visa, Vancouver Farmers Markets is offering market-goers tips and techniques for making summer last just a little bit longer. The program includes market demonstrations of preservation techniques, tip cards and recipes and help finding and choosing the best produce for storage. Don’t you want summer to last just a little bit longer? It can!

Make it Last: Food Preservation Basics demo details.