At the August 29th West End Farmers Market…

Where to begin?  The West End Farmers Market Tomato Festival takes place from 9:00-2:00 tomorrow, so that should be reason enough to get out of bed before noon.   This week’s feature tomato of the week is the ….

Paul Robeson:

paul_robesonA Russian heirloom.  This favourite heirloom tomato was named after the operatic artist who won acclaim as an advocate of equal rights for people of colour.  His artistry was admired world-wide, especially in the Soviet Union.  This “black” beefsteak tomato is slightly flattened, round, and grows to 4-inches.  It’s deep, rich colours set it apart from others…a dusky, dark-red tomato with dark-green shoulders, and red flesh in it’s centre.  A very flavourful fruit, with luscious, earthy flavours and a good sweet/acid balance.

We are now at the height of the local farmers market season.  In addition to last week’s offerings, you will be able to choose from between 4-5 varieties of melons, apples (the Mac’s just arrived last week!), squash, and an ever-increasing variety of both sweet and hot peppers.  Be sure check out the most delicious selection of plums that can be found in the Lower Mainland.  Varieties include Sugar, Lionheart, Amber, and, my personal favourite, Santa Rosa.  Seriously, if you have given up on finding a tasty plum, give these little guys a chance to change your mind.

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About paul

Paul, co-founder of the Hanging Pig, has a passion for all things food-related. This is doubly true for food that is sourced locally. From May until October, he can be found at the Vancouver Farmers Markets volunteering with Klippers Organic Acres. Through the changing seasons, he blogs about the extensive variety of produce as it arrives from their farm in the South Okanagan. Paul also has an interest in exploring and writing about local farms and specialty food shops that fly beneath the culinary radar.