Tag Archives: pesticde

What’s Up With the Bees?

bees in hiveIt always surprises me that we need a well-heeled study to confirm what we can deduce with a bit of common sense. Never mind that whomever doesn’t like the findings will just do research of their own to disprove the original research and then back and forth we go until anyone can find an manipulate whatever research they want to support their position. Sigh.

So, for what it’s worth here is said research for the sceptics among us who need someone in a white coat to tell them that the stuff that causes illness in humans, with an astronomically larger body mass by ration, is creating problems for the wee, humble bee.

From Quartz.com:

“…Scientists had struggled to find the trigger for so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) that has wiped out an estimated 10 million beehives, worth $2 billion, over the past six years. Suspects have included pesticides, disease-bearing parasites and poor nutrition. But in a first-of-its-kind study published today in the journal PLOS ONE, scientists at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture have identified a witch’s brew of pesticides and fungicides contaminating pollen that bees collect to feed their hives. The findings break new ground on why large numbers of bees are dying though they do not identify the specific cause of CCD, where an entire beehive dies at once.”

For the full article, head over there and read the full article, BEE APOCALYPSE NOW: Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought.