Workshop: Dealing With Invasive Plants

Invasive, non-indigenous plants (i.e. not from here originally) can choke out the local vegetation and impact localized micro-ecosystems. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but think about the big picture. When the plants that house and feed the bugs that feed the birds we’re used to seeing no longer grow, neither do the bugs or the birds.

And, contrary to popular belief, some bugs are actually good bugs that we’d be lost without! Same with the birds.

The Edible Garden Project and local landscaper, Heather Schamehorn, are offering a workshop to learn to identify plants that threaten our native species and find out what to do about them:

Invasive Plants — Identifying and Replacing the Bad Guys.
Saturday, June 13
1:00 pm
Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre, outdoors

Call the Ecology Centre at 604.990.3755 to register. You can also check out the Edible Garden Project events calendar for more information on this and other workshops.