Grounded in Goodness

There’s just always been something grounding and grounded about, well, getting a little closer to the ground. Like talking to the people who plant, care for and harvest the food you’re eating. I think it tastes all the more delicious for the TLC that goes into it. Finally, I have some backing for my theory.

In Tableland, the independent film about burgeoning local food economies, one of the vintners talks about how the process of caring for the grapes makes them more flavourful. He explains how removing the leaves around the clusters, which is painstakingly done by hand, ensures good venting and prevents damp and fungi growth on the vines. In so doing, the grapes are exposed to more sunlight, which makes them higher in tannins and sweeter.

See, what grandma always said is true. Food tastes better when there’s a little tender, loving care sprinkled in.